
Baler Mechanism

You must change this adress according to where you have stored BasicMechanisms File

Define imaginary number and conversion factor from degrees to radians

increment q12 for every 5 degrees

Determination of the crank angle with respect to A0B0

Solve for q13 (and q14 using FourBar2 function for every position

Location of point C uzing complex numbers

Line A0C magnitude and direction

Angle A0A' crank makes with respect to A0C line

Solve for q16 and q15 using FourBar2 function. The four-link loop A0A'DC is solved. Note that the fixed link (A0C) for the four link loop is a variable, whose magnitude is known for everyposition beforehand.

Coordinates of point E for every position

FRAME is a MathCad Variable for animation

Note that the same equations are solved to determine the position of tyhe joints






You can create an avi file by selecting Tools- Animation and selecting frames from 0 to 72

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