1.2 Some Examples of Mechanisms from Everyday Life: -I

Back-Hoe -Loader (HİDROMEK)

You can see this machine in many construction sites performing the digging or moving the dirt. The Back-Hoe part (A) is good in digging ditches or holes in the ground. The loader part (D) picks up the rubbage onthe ground and dumps it to a truck.

Internal Combustion Engines

The internal combustion engine is the prime mover which gave the human kind an unthinkable movability . A big percentage of mechanical engineers throughout the world work on this machine in one form or another. Within the last century, the classical engine with a centric slider-crank arrangement has reached a perfection. Although it has not found a wide acceptance, the Wankel engine is used in applications where the volume and the weight of the engine is quite important.

If you are ineterested on engines, http://www.keveney.com/Engines.html is a good site to visit.

In movie projectors the motion of the film must be intermittent, eg. the film slide must stop momentarily in front of the lens and quickly moved for the next slide of the film. An arrangement of a four-bar mechanism shown is suitable for such a usage. Point C which describes a D-like curve will engage with the slots of the film from point g to g', and move back to position g while it is disengaged and the film is stationary in front of the lens.r.

Rock Chrusher
In this type of machinery, the mechanical advantage (the ratio of Foutput/Finput) must be very high to create forces to chrush the rocks. Mechanisms of very high mechanical advantage are called toggle mechanisms and this action is known as the toggle action. A good example of the application of this mechanism is the rock crusher shown . Input force is amplified several times for crushing rocks between the jaws.

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