Addicted To Love

Does Marriage Destroy Relationships?

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The Numbers Game: Do You Judge Your Partner Based on His/Her Sexual Past?

It’s Complicated: When (And When Not) to Update your Relationship Status on Facebook

How to Break up With Someone With Style And Grace

When stressed, apparently women’s bodies stay in a “fight/flight” state far longer then men’s do, like 40% longer on average.  And, while people are in a “fight/flight” state, their bodies’ feedback makes it harder come down from, or end, an argument.  So it would naturally be more common for men end arguments sooner than women.


None of this covers “articulating what’s bothering you”, another topic here. But it does give some explanation for differences in how long the genders stay upset during arguments.



Callifax's avatar


wrote on February 12 2010 @ 07:07 am: [report]


@Cheeeeeeese (I’m just guessing here on the number of e’s): Do it.  It’s a fantastic read and well worth it.  Comic books are my weakness.  grin


@Camelo27: I know that some women get annoyed when men blame our emotions on PMS (and often rightly so…we’re not always upset because we’re hormonal…sometimes we’re just UPSET) I know that I DEFINITELY get more moody during those times.  I usually feel a little more on edge and like I could break down and cry much more easily from anything.  So I do think that in a some circumstances, hormones do play a role.



klutzyduck's avatar


wrote on February 12 2010 @ 07:23 am: [report]


I don’t know which guys you dated but all the ones I have dated hold in their feeling with an iron fist and they never budge no matter how much I may attempt to pull. Its pretty obvious when something is wrong—-well I know I LOVE passive aggressiveness, and the grudges they can hold…all I can say is WOW. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to date a chick instead, I just think it is a fallacy that men are more open and move on faster.



CheeeeEEEEse's avatar


wrote on February 12 2010 @ 08:05 am: [report]


@Callifax: There is 8. Right now I’m reading The Invisibles.


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