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Türkçe (tr)
English (en)
Türkçe (tr)
Türkçe (tr)
English (en)
Türkçe (tr)
Department of Basic English
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Foreign Languages
Department of Basic English
Kurs Kategorileri:
Economic and Administrative Sciences
Economic and Administrative Sciences / Department of Business Administration
Economic and Administrative Sciences / Economics
Economic and Administrative Sciences / International Relations
Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences / Anthropology
Arts and Sciences / Chemistry
Arts and Sciences / History
Arts and Sciences / Mathematics
Arts and Sciences / Philosophy
Arts and Sciences / Physics
Arts and Sciences / Psychology
Arts and Sciences / Sociology
Arts and Sciences / Statistics
Education / Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Education / Educational Sciences
Education / Foreign Language Education
Education / Secondary School Science & Mathematics Education
Education / English Medium Instruction
Engineering / Aerospace Engineering
Engineering / Computer Engineering
Engineering / Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering / Engineering Sciences
Engineering / Geodetic and Geographic Information Technologies
Engineering / Industrial Engineering
Engineering / Mechanical Engineering
Engineering / Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Engineering / Mining Engineering
Engineering / Civil Engineering
Engineering / Chemical Engineering
Engineering / Petroleum And Natural Gas Engineering
Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages / Department of Basic English
Foreign Languages / Department of Modern Languages
Foreign Languages / METU NCC Writing Center
Foreign Languages / School of Foreign Languages
Foreign Languages / Self-Access Center
Graduate School of Social Sciences
Graduate School of Social Sciences / European Studies
Informatics / Cognitive Science
Informatics / Game Technologies
Informatics / Health Informatics
Informatics / Information System
Informatics / Multimedia Informatics
Institute of Applied Mathematics
Ortaöğretim Öğrencileri İçin
Diğer Kaynaklar
Diğer Kaynaklar / MasterMind
Diğer Kaynaklar / Mühendisler için Excel
Diğer Kaynaklar / Kitaplar, Videolar, vs...
Diğer Kaynaklar / Webinarlar
Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching
Afetlerde Psikolojik Destek
Afetlerde Psikolojik Destek / Afetler, Travma ve Yas
Afetlerde Psikolojik Destek / Afet Sonrası Psikososyal Müdahale
Afetlerde Psikolojik Destek / Afetlerde Çocuk
Afetlerde Psikolojik Destek / Ders Hakkında...
Kursları ara
Kursları ara
Intermediate 01
Bu ders, derse kayıtlı öğrenciler için hazırlanmıştır. Herkesin kullanımına açık değildir.
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