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Visual C# for Educators
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Computer Education and Instructional Technology
CEIT 310
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Installing Database Tools to Visual Studio
Module 1 Reading
Module 2 Video lecture
Module 2 Reading
Module 2 Lab Assignment
Module 3 Video Lecture
Module 3 Reading
Module 3 Lab Assignment
Module 4 Video Lecture
Module 4 Reading
Module 4 Lab Assignment
Module 5 Video Lecture
Module 5 Reading
Module 5 Lab Assignment
Module 6 Video Lecture
Module 6 Reading
Module 6 Lab Assignment
Module 7 Video Lecture
Module 7 Reading
Module 7 Lab Assignment
Module 8 Video Lecture
Module 8 Reading
Module 8 Lab Assignment
Module 9 Video Lecture
Module 9 Reading
Module 9 Lab Assignment
Module 10 Video Lecture
Module 10 Reading
Module 10 Lab Assignment
Module 11 Video Lecture
Module 11 Reading
Guide for installing EF into a C# Web Forms Projects
Module 11 Lab Assignment
Module 12 Video Lecture
Module 12 Reading
Module 12 Lab Assignment
Installing Database Tools to Visual Studio ►
CEIT 310
Module 1 - Introduction to Visual Studio and C#
Module 2 - Creating graphical user interfaces (GUI)
Module 3 - Writing C# code for Windows forms
Module 4 - Variables and user inputs
Module 5 - Decision structures
Module 6 - Methods in C#
Module 7 - Loops, arrays, and lists
Module 8 - Strings and chars
Module 9 - Introduction to Classes and objects
Module 10 - Inheritance and polymorphism.
Module 11 - Databases and Entity Framework
Module 12 - One to Many (1:M) Relationships in Entity Framework
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