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Introduction to Bioinformatics
Computer Engineering
Topic 9
Lecture Slides
Lecture Slides
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◄ Lecture Slides
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Course Overview
National Center for Biotechnology Information, USA.
Protein Data Bank
Lecture Slides
Week 1 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Assignment 1
Reading: Bioinformatics - An Introduction for Computer Scientists
Reading: Cells and Genomes
Reading: How Cells Read the Genome: From DNA to Protein
Reading: The Nucleic Acid World
Reading: Producing And Analzying Sequence Alignments
Week 2 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 2 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 3 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 3 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 3 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 4 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 4 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Reading: Pairwise Sequence Alignment
Week 5 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 5 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 5 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Week 6 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 6 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Assignment 2
Week 6 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 7 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 7 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 7 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 8 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 8 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 8 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Midterm Exam
Midterm Key
Lecture Slides
Assignment 3 for Computer Engineering Majors
Assignment 3 for Biology or Genetics Majors
Week 9 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 9 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 9 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 9 - Lecture 4 [Video]
Week 10 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 10 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 10 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 11 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 11 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 11 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Week 12 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 12 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Week 12 - Lecture 3 [Video]
Lecture Slides
K-means Demo
Self Organizing Maps Demo
Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 1
Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 2
Reading: Microarrays Intro Paper - 3
Week 13 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 13 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Assignment 4
Dataset for Assignment 4
Week 14 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Lecture Slides
Likelihood Computation Example
Week 15 - Lecture 1 [Video]
Week 15 - Lecture 2 [Video]
Assignment 3 for Computer Engineering Majors ►
Topic 1
Topic 2
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 6
Topic 7
Topic 8
Topic 9
Topic 10
Topic 11
Topic 12
Topic 13
Topic 14
Topic 15