Data Protection and Security



Introduction To Cryptography



Historic Examples of Simple Ciphers



Vigenere Cipher

Let m be some fixed positive integer. Define P=C=K= (Z26)m. For a key K = (k1,k2, ..., km), we define



where all operations are performed in Z26


  • Shift Cipher and Substitution Cipher are monoalphabetic (each letter in plaintext is transformed to a fixed letter as ciphertext). Vigenere Cipher is polyalphabetic (transformation depends also on the location of the letter).
  • Polyalphabetic property (one-to-many correspondence) makes Vigenere Cipher stronger against frequency analysis. Nevertheless it was broken by Kasiski back in 1863.

Demo I.III-I

Demo that depicts the usage of Vigenere cipher.
[click to enlarge]


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