1.3 Basic Concepts-1
Kinematic pair (joint)
The main characteristics of a mechanism is not the rigid
bodies (links) but the kinematic pairs that join these rigid bodies. It
is this idea that has lent itself to modern mecha-nisms study.
Kinematic element,
is that part of a rigid body which is used to connect it to another rigid
body such that the relative motion between the two rigid bodies can occur
Kinematik pair
or simply joint, ) is the joining
of two kinematic elements. The types of kinematic pairs and their distribution
within the mechanism determine the main characteristics of a mechanism.
Classification of Kinematic pairs:
Kinematic pairs may be classified in several different forms, we shall
use more than one type of classification.
Closed Kinematic pairs
are those in which the contact between the kinematic elements is
maintained within all possible positions of a mechanism. Figure
on the right shows a closed kinematic pair
Open kinematic pair
is one whose pairing and unpairing of its kinematic elements that
form the joint are controlled. In the Geneva mechanism shown the
contact between the pin and the slot is not continuous.
In closed
kinematic pairs If the contact beteween
the two kinematic elements is due to a normal forces acting at the
contacting surfaces, such pairs are force
closed kinematic pairs (joint at the top right). If one
of the kinematic elements envelopes the other and the contact is due
to the geometric shape than such joints are form
closed kinematic pairs (joint at top bottom). |

Closed kinematic pairs are classified according to the
type of contact between the elements:
Lower kinematic pairs
are those in which the contact between
the two elements is along a plane. The joint on the right is a lower
kinematic pair. |
Higher kinematic pairs
are those in which the contact between the kinematic elements is along
a line or at a point.
The contact stresses created in higher kinematic pairs
are usually unfavourable. Therefore, especially for mechanisms that must
transmit forces of high magnitude (which are called power mechanisms),
lower kinematic pairs must be preferred. However, in certain applications
higher kinematic pairs may be used to reduce the number of parts in a