Basic Concepts-2
Degree of Freedom Some of the classifications used in the previous page are important in terms of force transmission (i.e. lower or higher kinematic pairs) or in terms of physical construction (i.e. form or force closed kinematic pairs). However the most important characteristics of the kinematic pairs is type of motion that may exist between the kinematic elements. Depending on the type of kinematic pair used, there will exist different motion characteristics between the mating parts. Since there are two rigid bodies connected by a kinematic pair, they will have different relative motions with respect to each other according to the type of the kinematic pair.The type of relative motion is the basic charactyeristics of that kinematic pair. In order to classifiy this relative motion we have to understand the degree of freedom concept. The degree-freedom of space is the number of independent parameters
to define the position of a rigid body in that space. Let us define the position of a rigid body in a three dimensions space
(in which we live). The first thing we must do is define a refernce axis
such as X,Y,Z in the figure. One form of defining the position of the
rigid body is that we may arbitrarily select any three noncollinear points,
(P1, P2, P3 ) and determine their location
with respect to the ref-erence plane (see figure on the right)
We have nine parameters (xi, yi, zi : i =1,2,3) and three relations among them. Therefore, if we define any six of these nine parameters, the location of the rigid body is known. Therefore In the general space the degree of freedom is six. Q: Are the parameters required unique?
We can also use angles to locate the rigid body: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Degree of freedom of Planar Space: If the space that we consider is a plane, then we only need 3 parameters. Different
forms of selecting these three parameters are shown below. ( polar, rectangular
and geometrical representations). Hence, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The degree-of-freedom of a kinematic pair is defined as the number of independent parameters that is required to determine the relative position of one rigid body with respect to the other connected by the kinematic pair. It is this characteristics that is used to classify the kinematic pairs. If the degree-of-freedom of a kinematic pair is 6, there is no joint involved. If the degree-of-freedom is 5, the kinematic pair must constrain one of the freedoms of space. There is no joint that can constrain the rotational degree-of-freedom while permitting the transla-tional freedom in all directions. We can constrain one of the translational freedoms. The joint thus obtained is sphere between parallel planes. Methodically, all the possible kinematic pairs are shown in Table I and Table II . Note that the shapes of the kinematic pairs shown is of no importance. It is the degree-of-freedom and the type of freedom that is important. Please study these tables carefully so that you can identify kinematic pairs that you will see in mechanisms study and in your practical life.