1.4 Degree of Freedom of Mechanisms -1
The degree of freedom of a mechanism
is the number of independent parameters required to define the position
of every link in that mechanism.
As an example consider a very simple mechanism with four
links connected to each other by four revolute joints.
that the link lengths are known, if the value of the angle
is given, then the position of every link can be determined by determining
the coordinates of two points on each link. (A0B0
(Link 1 ), A0A (Link 2), AB (Link 3) ve BB0
(Link 4)). This is due to the fact that when
is given the triangle A0B0A is known (Side-Angle-Side)
and the distance AB0can be calculated. Next, the triangle
ABB0 is known completely (side-Side-Side). We only need
one parameter to locate the position of every link. For
a Four-Bar mechanism, the degree of freedom of the mechanism is 1.
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Consider a mechanism with five links connected
to each other by five revolute joints as a second example. If the
is defined we can solve for the triangle A0AC0.
However, the remaining links is a quadrilateral (ABCC0) which
will require an additional parameter (Such as angle
) to locate the links. In such a case, since the number of parameters
required to determine the position of the links is 2, the degree
of freedom of this five link mechanism is 2.
In the above examples:
1. Instead of the angles
and ,
other angles can be used as a free parameter. But in every case, for
a particular mechanism the number of parameters required is unique.
For example in the first example the angle BB0 makes with
the horizontal can be selected as a free parameter and the position
of each link will be uniquely determined.
2. The number of parameters required is not a function
of the link lengths. For example if the length a2 is 5 units
instead of 4, the degree of freedom of the four-bar mechanism is 1 and
of five-link mechanism is still 2.
The degree of freedom of a mechanism
does not depend on the link lengths. It depends on the number of links,
number of joints, the type of joints and their distribution within the