1.4 Degree of Freedom of Mechanisms -2 In the previous examples, we have seen that the degree of freedom does not depend on the link lengths or the free parameter used. We must be able to determine an equation that relates the degree of freedom of a mechanism with the number of links, number of joints and the degree of freedom of the joints. To express these quantities in mathematical terms let us define:
l= The number of links in a mechanism (including the fixed link) j = The number of joints in a mechanism fi =The degree of freedom of the i th joint in the mechanism F = The degree of freedom of the mechanism First consider l
links floating freely (no joints!!) in a space with
Now, consider the
joints by utilizing a simple example. In the above figure there are four
floating links in planar space. If there are no joints, then the number
of parameters requires to determine the position of these links will be
3*4=12 . (A).If link 2 is connected to links 4 and 5 by revolute joints,
and if there is a cylinder in slot joint between links 2 and 3, the number
of parameters required to determine the position of these four links will
be less. We will still need 3 parameters to determine the position of
link 2. Once the position of link 2 is known, links 4 and 5 can only rotate
relative to link 2, and link 3 can rotate and translate along the slot
axis relative to link 2. To locate the position of link 4 we need If the degree of
freedom of space is
The degree of freedom of the mechanism will then be the degree of freedom of all the links without joints minus the degrees of freedom constrained by the joints. F = Degrees of freedom without any joint (1.1a.) - constraints imposed by the joints(1.1b) or This equation is
known as the Although this equation is applicable to most of the mechanisms, there are exceptions, i.e. the degree-of-freedom of the mechanism may not obey the general degree-of-freedom equation. This is mainly due to the assumption that the constraints imposed by the joints are independent of each other, and the degree-of-freedom of the space is constant for the whole mechanism. Before discussing these exceptions let us see some mechanisms that obey the general degree-of-freedom equation. |