CHEM101, CHEM102, CHEM107, CHEM111, CHEM112 ve CHEM283 derslerinin laboratuvarlarında yapılan deneylerin videolarını bu derste bulabilirsiniz.
One term course for students of EE, CE, IE, FDE, ENVE, CENG, AEE, ME. Introduction to atomic theory, stoichiometry, electronic structure, molecular orbital properties of solutions, equilibrium chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and electrochemistry.
- Instructor: mehmet fatih danisman
- Instructor: okan esenturk
- Instructor: huseyin isci
Videos of chemistry experiments, conducted in labs for CHEM101, CHEM102, CHEM107, CHEM111, CHEM112 and CHEM283.
Course Contents:

Particles and waves, principles of quantum mechanics, stationary states. Electronic structure of atoms and molecules. The chemical bond. Approximate methods. Vibrational, rotational and electronic transitions. Spectroscopy.