Week 9 - Video 1

Customs Union between EU and Turkey

Nilgün Arısan Eralp
TEPAV - Director of the European Union Institute
MEDIATE, 29 April 2022

Arısan Eralp introduces the origins and the history of the Customs Union as well as the current repercussions. After presenting how Turkey’s volume of trade with the EU has changed over time, Arısan Eralp draws attention to the importance of upgrading the Customs Union both for Turkey and for international dispute settlement mechanisms. Arısan Eralp concludes by underlining recent agendas of the European Union and its implications for Turkey.


Introduction: The origins and the history of the Customs Union

How Turkish economy was prepared for the Customs Union?

Suspension of the Customs Union in 1978

Refusal of the application for full membership to the EU in 1990

The Customs Union negotiations

Turkey’s volume of trade with the EU

Turkey’s status transforms from an exporter of textiles and agriculture to an industrial manufacturer and exporter of automotive and machinery

Turkey’s accession negotiations

Upgrading of Customs Union

Why EU did not give a mandate to the European Commission to negotiate the modernization of the Customs Union?

The importance of the upgrading of the Customs Union for Turkey

Conclusion by recent agendas of the European Union and its implications for Turkey