Week 10 - Video 1
Governance of Turkey-EU Relations in Turkey
Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Director of the European Union Institute TEPAV - The Economic Policy and Research Foundation of Turkey
MEDIATE, 8 May 2022
Arısan Eralp presents a brief history of the institutional structure of coordination of Turkey’s preparations for EU membership. The institutional settlements for dealing with Turkey’s relationship with the EU is delivered starting from the pre-candidacy period. Arısan Eralp finalizes her words with an assessment of the functioning of the recent institutional units in the Directorate of EU Affairs.
Outline of the Video Presentation
Pre-candidacy period
Inter-institutional dispute in international relations theory
Institutional settlement for dealing with Turkey’s relationship with the EU
Renegotiation of the Customs Union process
Impact of the announcement of Turkey as a candidate for accession to the institutional setting
Transformation of the Secretary-General for EU Affairs to the Ministry of EU Affairs in 2011
Abolishment of the Ministry of EU Affairs in 2018 and changing into a directorate
A brief assessment of the functioning of the institutional units in the Directorate of EU Affairs