Week 12 Reading List
Kale, B., et al. (2018). Asylum Policy and the Future of Turkey-EU Relations: Between Cooperation and Conflict, FEUTURE Online Paper Series No.18, April 2018.
Dimitriadi, A. & Kaya, A. (2021). EU-Turkey Relations on Migration: Transactional Partnership. In B. Saatçioğlu and F. Tekin (eds) Turkey and the European Union Key Dynamics and Future Scenarios, Nomos Publications, pp. 167 – 186.
Aydın-Düzgit, S., Keyman, E. F. & Biehl, K.S. (2019). Changing Parameters of Migration Cooperation: Beyond the EU-Turkey Deal? Istanbul Policy Center (IPC), Sabancı University, Stiftung Mercator Initiative.
Turhan, E. and Yıldız, A. (2022) Turkey’s external differentiated integration with the EU in the field of migration governance: The case of border management” in B. Leruth, S. Gänzle, J. Trondal (et. al) The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, Routledge, pp. 502-518.
Saatçioğlu, B. (2020) The European Union’s refugee crisis and rising functionalism in EU-Turkey relations, Turkish Studies, 21:2, 169-187, DOI: 10.1080/14683849.2019.1586542