
Chapter 1- Interactive Design Principles

  • Analyze an interactive system based on interactive vocabulary
  • Develop an interactive system including links, hypertext or hypermedia, nodes, node map, and etc.
  • Investigate a multimedia system with respect to drivers and components
  • Analyze users interfaces for their effectiveness and efficiency
  • Evaluate and make recommendations for an interface
  • Establish a relationship among concepts multimedia, interactivity, and user interface

Chapter 2- Visual Principles

  • Develop a visual material
  • Evaluate a visual material
  • Assess visual literacy concept
  • Locate extra resources for visual literacy
  • Decode a visual element completely
  • Encode a visual element
  • Continue and finish a process of visual design
  • Establish an organization among visual, verbal and appealing elements
  • Transform visual literacy and visual design principles to Web Based Training

Chapter 3- Multimedia Design

  • Investigate a multimedia system with respect to components
  • Assess which component is the most critical in which situations shaping by drivers
  • Develop a draft multimedia system

Chapter 4- Development Phases

  • Analyze phased approach for multimedia product development
  • Analyze consequences of phases
  • Produce end product of phases
  • Make an agreement with any client
  • Determine relations among each phase
  • Re-organize development phases with respect to situations
  • Make budget planning
Last modified: Monday, 12 September 2011, 6:42 PM