Lesson Topic Classroom Activity Lab Acitivity
1 First Meeting (Warm-up)
Course description, Goals, Proceeding of the course Term (Graduation) Project Description Labs and Lab Activities Classroom activity: Information about project groups

2 Introduction & Learning Principles and Approaches
Play with three different computer game genres.
Analyze these genres in a reflection paper: Compare these game genres, how they (or similar products) can be used in teaching/learning process.
3 Simulations and Games in Education Educational Video (History of Games) Focusing on one of the game genres analyzed in previous week, analyzing it in depth in a reflection paper, explore its instructional aspects (existing and potential improvements) Explore the project development software (Unreal-2004 and other course related software
4 Introduction to Design, Development & Evaluation, Methodologies Consultation with the project teams Goal-Based Scenario selection
Creation of computer-based prototypes (PowerPoint or Flash)
Preparation of storyboards
5 Instructional Approach to the development of Game-Like learning environments Brainstorming on project topics and possible Goal-Based Scenarios, which will be used in the project. Seminar and workshop about Unreal-2004 and other course related software
6 Meeting with a Private Educational Software Development Company Specification of the project topics
One page document about the selected project topic (due next week)
Seminar and workshop about Unreal-2004 and other course related software (continue)
7 Game Story Boarding,, Blended Technologies Group discussion- Brainstorming on creative ideas (pick a subject matter and propose a new approach) Documentation of possible Goal-Based Scenarios for the project
Creation of paper-based prototypes
Working with Unreal-2004 and other course related software
8 Design, Development, Evaluation Consultation with the project teams Creation of computer-based prototypes (Unreal-2004 software)
Begin building with Unreal-2004 and other course related software
9 - 14 Consultation meetings
Building with Unreal-2004 and other course related software
Last modified: Monday, 12 September 2011, 6:42 PM