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Contemporary Sociology Theory
Arts and Sciences
The Hegelian Turn: Hegel, Marx and Lukacs
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 3
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 3
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 3
◄ [VIDEO] The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 2
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Course Syllabus
[VIDEO] Introduction - Lecture 1
[VIDEO] Introduction - Lecture 2
[VIDEO] Descartes and Kant - Lecture 1
[VIDEO] Descartes and Kant - Lecture 2
[VIDEO] Kant (continued ...) - 1
[VIDEO] Kant (continued ...) - 2
[VIDEO] The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 1
[VIDEO] The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 2
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 4
Nietzsche - Lecture 1
Nietzsche - Lecture 2
Freud - Lecture 1
Freud - Lecture 2
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 1
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 2
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 3
Husserl and Phenomenology - Lecture 4
The Structuralist Turn - Lecture 1
The Structuralist Turn - Lecture 2
General Review - Lecture 1
General Review - Lecture 2
Structuralism in Social Sciences: Levi-Strauss and Roland Barthes
Althusser: Marxism is not a Historicism - Lecture 1
Althusser: Marxism is not a Historicism - Lecture 2
Lacan and Psychoanalysis - Lecture 1
Lacan and Psychoanalysis - Lecture 2
The Hegelian Turn - Lecture 4 ►
The Roots: Descartes and Kant
The Hegelian Turn: Hegel, Marx and Lukacs
Nietzsche - Freud
Husserl and Phenomenology
The Structuralist Turn
Structuralism in Social Sciences: Levi-Strauss and Roland Barthes
Althusser: Marxism is not a Historicism
Lacan and Psychoanalysis