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Academic Oral Presentation Skills
Foreign Languages
Department of Modern Languages
Unit 1
Eternal Sunshine
Eternal Sunshine
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◄ Eternal Sunshine
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Course outline
Weekly Schedule
Conversion charts
How NOT to make a presentation
Pronunciation quiz
Forvo- the pronunciation dictionary
Table Topics Game
Table Topics Game 2
Course intro
Unit 1- Discussion videos (Playlist)
Unit 1- Mind presentations (Playlist)
Speech anxiety
How to overcome the fear of public speaking: 3 tips
How I overcame my fear of public speaking- Danish Dhamani
Magic pill erases bad memories
Mind presentation guidelines
Mini presentation rubric
Mind presentation rubric
Magic pill erases bad memories
Magic pill erases bad memories
Eternal Sunshine
Can you erase bad memories?
Can you erase bad memories?
New pill could erase bad memories
New pill could erase bad memories
Audio visual aids
Graphic representation
Sample graphs
Parts of a presentation
APA format citation
Unit 2- Discussion videos (Playlist)
Graphic presentations (Playlist)
Reaction presentations (Playlist)
Good examples of graffiti & street art
Bad examples of graffiti & street art
Life after death by PowerPoint
Graffiti of Banksy
APA formatting for PowerPoint
Reaction presentation guidelines
Graphic presentation guidelines
Debate jury-sheet
Debate/discussion grade sheet
Debate/discussion grade sheet-2
Debate rubric
How to make stress your friend
How to make stress your friend
Art forgery
Art forgery
Graphics related practice (page 55)
Line graph
Visual representations - max 3 words
Graph practice
Seminar questions on role models
Parts of a presentation
Marketing presentation
Reflection task
Common language mistakes
Unit 3- Discussion videos (Playlist)
Marketing presentations (Playlist)
The muted videos playlist (Playlist)
Student samples of the muted videos (Playlist)
Reflection task samples (Playlist)
Introduction examples 1
Introduction examples 2
Conclusion examples 1
Conclusion examples 2
Expensive wine is for suckers
Your food is shrinking
Commercials playlist
Commercial guidelines
The muted videos task guidelines
Marketing presentation guidelines
Marketing presentation rubric
Marketing Presentation Rubric (one page)
Commercial rubric
The muted videos task rubric
Reflection task rubric
Price tag- feel good
Gender-based marketing
Reflection task questions
Reflection task
Analysis of a sample presentation
Parts of a presentation- Kahoot!
APA citation- Kahoot!
Visual aids- Kahoot!
Science and technology presentation
Common language mistakes
Final presentation
Literature research
Electronic article research from METU library
Research skills
Library Unique Search
APA format citation
Science and technology presentation planning sheet
Science and technology presentation guidelines
Science and Technology Presentation rubric
Science and Technology Presentation rubric (one page)
Speech analysis rubric
Speech analysis guidelines
Speech analysis task
Final presentation rubric
Final Presentation rubric (one page)
Self-evaluation sheet
Science and technology presentations (Playlist)
Final presentations playlist (Playlist)
Secrets of sucessful final presentations
APA formatting for PowerPoint
APA citation- Kahoot!
Quizlet: Logical fallacies
Academic writing quiz- Kahoot!
Can you erase bad memories? ►
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4