Course Description

This course aims to explore the impact of e-learning in business and the business impact of e-learning. Tries to provide an understanding related with the impact of ICT and e-transformation, types of e-learning, implementation of e-learning, business drivers for e-learning. Explains the issues related with investing in e-learning, organizational capabilities for successful e-learning solutions and business success with e-learning. Discusses and evaluates the e-learning industry landscape, market processes in e-learning business, e-learning business design, business models, success factors in e-learning business, and the future of e-learning business.

Course Objectives

This course offers participants the opportunity to explore the impact of e-learning in business and emerging business side of e-learning. The main objective of the course is to enable participants to acquire an integrated understanding of the interrelated subjects and issues involved in the business of e-learning and to prepare them to respond effectively to those issues and processes which impact the success of e-learning ventures.

Upon completion of this course, class participants should be able to:

  • Explain changing needs and conditions in knowledge based economy and tell the impact of ICT and e-transformation.
  • Explain the role of technology in learning and tell the importance of e-learning in knowledge management and organizational learning.
  • Identify the types of e-learning and business drivers for e-learning.
  • Identify educational, organizational and strategic issues associated with developing and delivering e-learning.
  • Explain the needs for investing in e-learning and defend the business productivity and benefits of an e-learning business solution.
  • Identify the organizational capabilities required for successful e-learning solution and organizational learning.
  • Describe the e-learning industry landscape including the characteristics of players, products and markets.
  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the business design principles with the skills necessary to carry out business analysis and use business planning models impacting the success of e-learning ventures.
  • Describe the dynamic nature of e-learning marketplace by conducting product and market analysis.
  • Discuss the market processes and perform the development of business and marketing plans in the business of e-learning.
  • Discuss legal and ethical considerations, partnerships and funding, special issues including political and cultural issues in the e-learning business by relating with global environment
  • Conduct critical evaluations of different ventures in the business of e-learning through various perspectives including technology, finance, market and partnership.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of strategies for funding new e-learning ventures.
  • Drive strategies for collaboration, opportunities for marketing, efficiencies and economies in e-learning delivery and calculate return on investments;
  • Discuss the future of e-learning in business and the business of e-learning.


  1. Participants are required to attend all the classes through the term
  2. Participants are required to be ready for the class on time and active participation is essential in all phases of the course.
  3. All assignments are due by per the Assignment Schedule. Refer to the course Website for all due dates.
  4. Participants are responsible to read ALL course materials, including emails and announcements from the instructor.
  5. Participants are responsible to be aware of and understanding the policies and procedures related with academic honesty. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, and computer misuse.


  • To work hard
  • Do your best
  • Use your potential to the full
  • Challenge yourself
  • and be creative


  • Broadbent, B. (2002). ABCs of e-learning : reaping the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls. San Francisco, Calif. : Jossey-Bass.
  • Kelly, T., Najiani, N. (2004) The Business Case For E-Learning. Cisco Press. Aldrich, C. (2004).
  • Simulations and the Future of Learning : An Innovative (and Perhaps Revolutionary) Approach to e-Learning. San Francisco : Pfeiffer, Garrison, D. R., Anderson T. (2003). E-learning in the twenty-first century. New York, RoutledgeFalmer.


  • BooksKapp, K. M. (2003). Winning E-Learning Proposals. J. Ross Publishing Meloy, J.(2005).
  • Renaissance eLearning. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Allen, M.W. (2003).
  • Michael Allen’s Guide to E-Learning. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Horton, W. (2001). Leading E-Learning. The American Society for Training and Development.

Additional readings and learning resources will be assigned and provided for the course in class.


Component Percentage

Attendance Classroom Activities 30%
Paper(s)/Project(s) 55%
Final Examination 15%
Last modified: Monday, 12 September 2011, 6:42 PM