Necessary conditions for a team to exist:
  1. Task/Goal interdependence
  2. Structure (team member roles, ground rules)
  3. Interpersonal process  
problem solving
decision making
conflict management
  4. Nonsummativity
Team � � Individuals
(+) nonsummativity = synergy =
what team accomplishes is greater than what individuals accomplish alone and later pull together
(-) nonsummativity = team < Individuals
(due to poor communication, conflict, etc.)
5. Dynamic (cycles of good times and bad times)


Stages of team development:

  1. Forming: Members cautiously explore the boundaries of acceptable group behavior.
transition from individual to member status
testing the leader's guidance
  2. Storming: Arguing about what actions the team should take. The team members try to rely solely on their personal & professional experience, resisting any need for collaborating with other team members.
disunity, increased tension, jealousy
beginning to understand one another
  3. Norming: Accept the team; team ground rules (norms), roles in the team, and individuality of fellow members
more friendliness
a sense of team, cohesion, common spirit
establishing & maintaining team ground rules and boundaries
  4. Performing: Diagnosing and solving problems, and choosing and implementing changes
constructive self-change
close attachment to the team

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Team Roles:

    There are three commonly described team roles:

Team leader
Team member

Team Leader:

guides and manages the team:
schedules meetings, arrange for rooms, etc.
facilitates meetings
orchestrates all team activities
communicates with management about team's progress and needs
share responsibilities as a team member

Facilitator (coach, advisor):

expert in group dynamics, problem solving, or running meetings, or helping teams
provides training as needed
helps team resolve conflicts
coaches team members (if necessary also the team leader) on team skills
helps the the team use problem solving tools
leads team meetings when the team leader is in difficulty in doing so.

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Team member:

Any member of the team should:
focus on the team's mission and objectives
communicate clearly
respect team's ground rules
respect teammates
participate fully
carry out his/her assignment between meetings

Two dimensions of team functioning:

Task (content) Productivity/Goal accomplishment
Social (maintenance) Morale
Curvilinear relationship

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Three types of team behaviors:


Ingredients for team success:

Clarity in team goals and member roles
Clear, open communication
Balanced participation
Beneficial team behaviors
Well-defined decision procedures
Established ground rules
Awareness of the group process
An improvement plan
Use of scientific approach


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Suggested further reading: The Team Memory Jogger, The Team Handbook

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